
Friday 19 December 2014


The obvious factor  of Global Warming can be certain due to Climate change and all other changes. The science explain that it is the human who misuse the earth's available resources like forest, animal, urbanization, industrialization and modern use of technology has great impact on the climate of the earth in return which make Global warming and produces lots of unexpected disaster like famine, drought, flood and so on which can be both man made and natural calamities.   



Secularisation- the activity of changing something( art or education or society or morality etc.) so it is no longer under control or influence of religion.

Secularisation according to Byan Wibson "Religious thinking is perhaps the area which evidences and most conspicuous change. Men act less and less in response to religious motivations, they assess the world in empirical and rational term.".

According to Oxford Dictionary of Sociology "Secularisation is the process whereby especially in modern industrial societies, religious beliefs, practices and institutions lose social significance."

Secularisation f culture involved not simply an increase in rationality in the thinking of man but also 'a diminution of the sacred' which is often characterized a 'desacralisation'  of the attitudes towards person and things. Desacralisation actually means 'the withdrawal of kind of emotional involvement which is to be found in religious response the sacred.' Thus the Secularisation of religion means both desacralisation and rationalization. The religions world view is no longer the basic frame of reference for thought.


Moojan Momen 1999 says there are five ways of looking at Secularisation

  1. "Decline of popular involvement in institutionalized  of religion. These can be seen as decline of church attendance, with fewer marriages, baptisms, and funerals being perform under religious auspices."
  2. The loss of prestige of religious institutions and symbols and the decline in influence of religious organisations.
  3. The separation of society from the religious world, so that religion becomes purely personal matter.
  4. The loss of the idea of the sacredness. As science increases our understanding of humanity and of the world, the idea of  'mystery' and the supernatural decrease.
  5. Religious groups themselves become increasingly concerned with the things of this world rather than the spiritual world.
Secularization is Inevitable

The secularization thesis maintains that secularization is an inevitable features of the rise of individual society and the modernization of cultural. It is argued that modern science has made traditional belief less convincing or persuasive to the world, the imaginable of life world has broken the monopoly of religious symbols, rituals and beliefs. And the urbanization of society has created a world which is individualistic and anomic;  the erosion of family life has made religious institutions less relevant and the technology has given people greater control over their environment, making the idea of an omnipotent God less relevant or reasonable. In this sense, secularization is used as a measure of what Max Weber meant by the rationalization of society.


The word sociology is derived from Latin word 'Socious' meaning 'Society' and the Greek word 'Logos' meaning 'Study'. Sociology mainly studies the group, instead of emphasising on individual. In this 'Positive Philosophy' which Comte asks for the creation of distinct science of society which should be based on the formula "To Know, To Predict, To Control"

MacIver and Page defines the sociology as the study of "Social relationship" and Max Weber says that " Sociology is a science which attempts the under interpretative understanding of social action in order there by to arrive at a causal explanation of its cause and effects."

Durkheim defines sociology as the study of "Social Facts". And Small defines Sociology as " the science of social relations." Thus, sociology can be said to be a science of society, which studies human beings in interactions within a cultural frame work. 


Human being are both ends and means  for economic activities. when in right numbers they are an asset but not so in fact a reality if the numbers is beyond the capacity, the economy population is essential requisite for the study of population. No economy can be imagined without population. It will be useful to study India's population growth in the format of the theory of demographic transition. The Demographic Transition is the relationship between birth rate and death rate. The birth rate and death rate difference in different stages of economy development. Hence the growth rate of population also different.

The continuous economic development in economy has been creating a serious impact on its rate of growth of populations. A country has to proceed through different stages of population growth as the relationship between birth and death rates changes with economic development. C.P.Blacker has divided the population growth into five different types.
  1. The high stationary
  2. The early expanding
  3. Late expanding 
  4. The low stationary
  5. The decline stage
Sax has divided the Demographic transition into four different stages. The theory of demographic transition mentions four different stages of change in birth and death rate in connection with economic development.

Stage 1 In this stage a country subjected to both high birth rate and death rate  at the first stage of an agrarian economy. The birth rate is very high due to universal and early marriage, wide spread prevalence of illiteracy, traditional social beliefs and customs, absence of knowledge about family planning, attitude towards children for supplementary family income etc.

In this stage the death rate is also high due to insufficient diets and absence of adequate medical and sanitation facilities. Besides no special arrangement for cleanliness. Famines and epidemics stall the land which also cause a high death rate.

Thus the first stage of Demographic transition is characterized by high death rate and high birth rate. Therefore the growth rate of population is more or less the same. Before 1921, India's population was in this stage.

Stage 2 With the gradual attainment of economic development, the living condition of people started to improve due to better and regular diet, better medical and sanitation facilities leading to fall in the death rate. Regular food supply, improved law and order situations, medical innovations and advancement of development of antibiotics, vaccines, and introduction of immunization programmes have led to substantial reduction in the incidence of disease and death.

At the stage, the birth rate continue to remain very hing in spite  of substantial fall in death rates, leading to accelerated growth of population.

Stage 3 With the attainment of economic development, the economy of the country started to experience a change in its structure from a agrarian to an industrialized one. During this stage people are conscious about their size of the family. In order to avoid the threat of large family people started to raise the age of marriage by postponing marriage as well as to limit reproduction. One of the features of economic development is typically increasing urbanization and children are usually more of a burden and less of an asset in an urban setting than in a rural.

Thus in this stage, the country will experiencing the fall in the birth rate, low death rate and consequently the fall in the rate of growth of population.

Stage 4 The fourth stage of demographic transition is characterized by a low birth rate and a low death rate of population, leading to a stationary population. It is therefore, known as the stage of stationary population where both the birth rate and death rate remain at a low level leading to a very little growth in population. During this stage, a significant change in social outlook of the people has taken place under the impact of urbanization, industrialization and high rate of literacy. Population becomes stationary at a  low rate. 


Religion is something unique to every individual though one may be of believer or not, but everyone belief in the power which is transcend to all. The religious leader say religion is something which make people and answer all quires and meaning of all event. This too explain the whole complexity while the doctor, psychologist, scientist and sociologist and all the other social thinkers not able to explain but the thing is religion which explain every aspects of death and birth of life.

Therefore some of the social thinkers define "religion as the supernatural power" which usually gives all answer to people mostly of primitive who never think of next answer rather ghost and spirit through which all thing is happening. But the educated too believe in supernatural power of spirit some extend. 

There are people believe in science and supernatural as well. Religion is something personal though we believe in one God, but the way of approaching the God is different, worship, and form too different to different people. The religion has the main character which really provide meaning to life and meaning to death which no human on earth has ever explain.

To see the religion in India, it's the diverse and multi-religiosity is practice like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity and so on. When one tries to understand religion or try to study religion as the main score paper always refer to India which is of great tradition having lots of tradition, custom, faith, belief and so on and so forth.

Though there are religion base conflict and communal violence but the Indian spirit of unity in diversity is always praised for. The helping hands and the support which the religion of one particular get is unbelievable. Always the news channel and newspaper gives lots of things with reference to religious minority which has been attack by majority but there will be good things too which never see like the whole ocean of water which origin of single drop of water. People are fed up of listening to whole disorder and disharmony, and unexpected occurrence and always they deny the other part to see what the good things has happen. 

We always blame the political party, religious leader and eminent person who involve in that, we public fail to recognize our own conscious decision and make the unproductive decision. Today whole world needs the person of decision maker who make the better place for all and oneself. This is to  say the religion has the power to destroy and power to make the universe better place.


Social thinkers describe sociology as the social science which really has impact on it. It said  be the most youngest of all social sciences. It has the wider scope which doesn't limit at all. It provides wide and includes all aspect of life as whole economic, physical, mental, psychological, political, religious and so on. Today sociology becomes the wide open to every university and colleges and all the academic institution include the department of sociology.

When one can look back the origin of sociology in Europe then  to India as the new sociological thought. And in the beginning the sociology was the not recognize as other social sciences were well reputed but sociology itself is a many things to many people and society as well.

When we think of Sociology in India, it is great pleasure to explain caste, race, religion, gender and so on which are abstract to and then rest the social institution which Indian practice all over from the beginning  to now in present scenario. One can not understand the Indian social system without understanding of the unique things which represent India like the caste system, the practice of tradition, dance, art, music, architecture and so on. On the other hand the social institution like marriage, family, kinship, economic, political, religion, polity and culture.

So to define the Sociology according to me, "Sociology is the systematic study of holistic development which includes all the aspects polity, science, culture, institution, health, public and private sector, whole economic and political events of the country present, past and future, explaining whole events both good and bad makes the path easy for all other social science and become the best for all.