
Friday 14 October 2016


I was consciously or unconsciously aware of the happening in twentieth century so called 'modern times'. We belong to same status, position and power but caste is substantive form which intertwined with so many things. It happens with intellectual who teach 'caste' so called enlighten academia, with modernity if you call the so called smart and delegated members of society. We are so conscious about 'caste' like that of dessert soon after the meal. It remain consistence with inborn quality; however we live in city or metro city; the particular ideology and the very nature of discrimination, exclusion and inclusion always prevails. But I am fail to understand why, how and when; because it always a reproduction of caste that we live and practice. It is a whole system of Erving Goffman concept of impression management where he talks about the region which front and back. We never know; apparently the very discourse of modernity we put up many mask in public life which most external to others. We represent the self in a superficial way, not real, just a duty to satisfy the audience and we play role. And in back region which is very clear and authentic; a true self that we are in a particular. If I refer to W.I Thomas who gives the very concepts of 'definition of situation' and William Shakespeare who devout to understand the role that we play in everyday life; as he mention in his quotes "all the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exists and their entrances and one man in this time plays many parts." To further the argument 'caste and caste practice in 21st century so called where we live in modern, highly digitized, full democratic and having so many rules to protect, defense and perform the performance of everyday life of self without discriminating, excluding and including. ....this has to be thought and written more... so is not complete thought of caste and caste practice ...ok    

1 comment:

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